Different eye conditions to be wary of

Even for those who aren’t born with conditions that could give you blurry vision, it’s no reason for you to believe that you will be immune to future situations that could leave you in such a state. You could contract or acquire many cases if you’re not careful or are just unlucky enough to get them. Yet, that doesn’t mean that you should panic. Many of these conditions can be treated and are often very easy to nullify.


Corneal Abrasion

The Cornea is one of the first and well parts of your eye and one of the essential parts that affect your sight. It covers the foremost part of your eyes and acts as a form of protection and lens. So this is why when it gets damaged or scratched, you’re going to not only feel a great deal of pain but your sight will be adversely affected, hence why this condition has earned the name corneal abrasion.



There aren’t just ways you can get conditions to affect the outside of your eyes. Sometimes some illnesses are caused from the inside. For example, if you suffer from autoimmune disease or herpes, you could easily find your eyes or iris becoming inflamed, which would call no small amount of discomfort. You would even become more sensitive to light because of said inflammation.

Temporal arteritis 

Another internal issue that could cause you no shortage of misery for your sight would be this condition. You see, temporal arteritis is quite a severe condition that can cause your eye to either become diminished or disappear entirely. Inflammation in the arteries around your head can cause this, which can cause a great deal of discomfort not just from your eyes but also from your forehead if not treated.



Have you ever seen someone whose eye suddenly looks like it’s bleeding internally with a dark red spot appearing on it? More often than not, this is the result of Hyphema. The cause is if your eye sustains an injury from some hit or strenuous activity. If left unattended, the pressure within your eye can increase significantly to the point where you will feel discomfort until you get treatment from a doctor.


Angle Closure Glaucoma

Angle Closure Glaucoma is easily one of the most important and dangerous conditions you can contract, which will require you to use eye drops and a trip to the doctor for a laser eye procedure to fix the problem. It can occur if the drainage system to your eye is blocked, which can dangerously increase the pressure in your eye and cause large amounts of pain.



The danger for each of these conditions definitely will vary depending on the states through which you contract them and what level of damage they can do to your eyes. Always make sure to stay up to date on the condition of your eye to avoid any severe and long-lasting wear, and if you have any concerns, don’t be afraid to contact your doctor on what is necessary.