Tips for a Smooth Recovery After LASIK Eye Surgery

If you want to have a smooth recovery after getting Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery, you need to take all the safety precautions. In addition to consulting your LASIK eye surgeon, we have created a guide that you can follow to make a recovery simple and effective.




1. Have someone that can help you settle in at home post-operation.

Your Los Angeles LASIK surgeon will tell you that you must have a friend or family member that can take you home because after the surgery, you will experience temporary blurred vision and light sensitivity and will not be able to drive or safely take public transportation. 

When you have a friend or family member that can accompany you, you will feel grateful to have them help tuck you into bed, assist with eye drops, or even make a meal for you to eat.


2. Wear comfortable clothing on surgery day.

You should wear something comfortable on the day of your corrective eye surgery so that you can go straight to bed once the procedure is done. You will likely feel drowsy from the relaxation medications that your LASIK eye surgeon will provide. You will also experience temporary blurriness in vision. Instead of going through the hassle of changing clothes, you can go straight to bed and rest after your surgery. You need as much rest as you can get to fully recover.


3. Prepare your post-op meals ahead of time.

This is especially important for individuals who live alone. You cannot cut up vegetables when your vision is blurry. That would be extremely difficult and poses a safety hazard. Instead, we recommend cooking your meals ahead of time. Many people prepare meals even when they are not undergoing laser eye surgery. Prepping your meals can save you a lot of time and energy. If you are not a cook, you should stock up on microwavable meals and ready-to-eat salads. You could also pre-order your delivery meals if need be. You may want to consider buying paper plates and cups to avoid washing dishes for a few days after your surgery.


4. Eat a filling meal before heading to surgery.

LASIK Los Angeles does not require patients to undergo general anesthesia. Your LASIK eye surgeon will give you numbing eye drops, which still allow you to have a nutritious, filling breakfast the morning of your surgery.

You do not know how you will feel after your surgery. You may not have much of an appetite. Instead, you may just want to sleep for several hours. You should eat before your surgery so that you do not wake up hungry from your post-op nap.


5. Keep your eye drops in the refrigerator.

After your laser eye surgery, you will be sent home with anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic eye drops to use. It is possible to experience dry eyes in the first week of the recovery process. Your doctor will advise you to lubricate your eyes regularly with preservative-free artificial tears. Be sure to store these vials of eye drops in the refrigerator so that they can stay cool.


6. Have a lightweight cold compress handy.

Having a lightweight, cold compress to put on your forehead can help you sleep better at night. The placement of the compress can also help make your eyes feel less irritable. Be sure to get approval from your LASIK surgeon before independently using a compress on or near your eyes.

7. Take a shower on the morning of your LASIK eye surgery.

You should avoid directly wetting your eyes for a few days after getting LASIK surgery. Washing your hair could increase the risk of water getting into your eyes. Your doctor will advise you to avoid showering for 24 hours after surgery and to avoid washing your hair and face with water for a few days. You may use a damp washcloth to gently clean your face but you need to steer clear of your eyes. In the scenario that you accidentally get soap and water in your eyes, do not rub them. Instead, rinse the soapy water from your eyes with artificial tear drops. The drops can help alleviate symptoms of irritation. On the subject of water, you should also avoid saunas, pools, and hot tubs for at least one month after LASIK surgery.


8. Avoid screens and bright lights for a day after surgery.

When discussing post-op care, your doctor will advise you to avoid looking at screens such as your cell phone, tablet, computer, and television, as well as bright lights for a day or so. You need to find other ways to keep yourself preoccupied while recovering from surgery. You can download and listen to podcasts and audiobooks to help entertain yourself.


9. Have someone pet-sit for a couple of days.

When you get home after laser eye surgery, you are most likely going to be stumbling around the house with eye shields on. If you live alone with a pet, such as a dog or a cat, this situation could be dangerous. The last thing you want is to accidentally step on your pet. You can avoid this problem by asking for a friend or family member to help feed and walk your pet while you recover. 


10.  Unlock accessibility features on your cell phone.

You may want to enlarge the text size on your cell phone messages and turn down the brightness level on your screen to avoid post-op eye strain and dry eyes. If you have an iPhone, you can ask Siri to read your notification aloud or even text your friends for you, so you don’t have to type. 


11.  Have acetaminophen on hand.

Many patients do not even require pain medication while recovering from LASIK surgery. However, if you do experience a headache or discomfort after your surgery, you most certainly can use acetaminophen to help manage your pain.


Final Takeaway

Getting plenty of rest is a crucial part of the recovery process for Los Angeles LASIK patients. Be patient with yourself. Your eyes need time to heal. If you are thinking about getting LASIK eye surgery in Los Angeles, you can consult the specialists at Excel Laser Vision Institute for more ways to prepare for surgery.


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