Signs of Retinal Detachment According to LASIK Surgeons in Orange County

LASIK surgeons in Orange County are familiar with retinal detachment and want patients to recognize the signs that they may have it. Retinal detachment is a condition in which the retina pulls away from the back of a patient’s eye. According to medical experts, the condition affects approximately one in every three hundred people, and it is a serious threat to vision health. Surgeons recommend treating retinal detachment at the earliest possible stages.


Understanding the Retina


When considering getting LASIK eye surgery in Orange County, you should first understand what the retina is and the role it plays in your vision health. Medical doctors define the retina as a part of the eye located near the optic nerve that senses light and signals the brain so that you can see. 


The retina is made of ten different layers of neurons that are interconnected by synapses. Within these layers of the retina, you can find cell types such as rods, cones, and retinal ganglion cells. 


What Causes Retinal Detachment?


The LASIK surgeon in Orange County teaches us that retina detachment can happen when a hole opens u[ in the retina and fluid from the eye makes its way between the layers of the retina. The condition can also occur when there is a type of infection, trauma, or complication of eye surgery. It is important to note that retinal detachment is treatable. Furthermore, Dr. Moosa at Excel Eye, a LASIK center near Anaheim, recommends seeking treatment as soon as possible if you have the condition. If left untreated, a person could potentially develop permanent vision loss.


Know The Risk Factors of Retinal Detachment


If you are getting LASIK in Orange County, you should be aware of the distinct risk factors of retinal detachment. Older patients and smokers are at a higher risk of developing retinal detachment. As we age, the fluid in our eyes gradually shrinks and this phenomenon can cause a tear in the retina. 


Here are some other risk factors of retinal detachment to keep in mind:

  • Marfan’s syndrome- a genetic condition that affects the body’s connective tissue and can damage the eyes.
  • Extreme near-sightedness
  • Previous retinal detachment in one eye
  • Cataract removal
  • Injury from a contact sport or activity (e.g. paintball)


Know the Symptoms of Retinal Detachment


Retinal detachment is typically painless, which can make it harder for patients to detect on themselves. People who experience any of the following symptoms should schedule an appointment with their eye doctor immediately:


  • Sudden light flashes
  • Sudden increase in the presence of floaters in one eye
  • Heavy feeling in the eye
  • Shadow developing in the peripheral vision
  • Seeing straight lines as curved


Making a visit to your local eye doctor involves more than just talking about changing your eyeglasses or inquiring about laser eye surgery costs. A visit to the doctor is also about detecting eye problems like retinal detachment before they progress. LASIK surgeons in Orange County also recommend wearing safe eyewear and UV-protective sunglasses to maintain lifelong vision health.