How You Can Prepare For LASIK Surgery In Orange County


Understanding the steps


If you’re getting ready for LASIK eye surgery in Orange County and have concerns as to how it’s going to end or turn out, then you have a right to be concerned. It’s a healthy kind of concern considering your eyes will either turn better or worse depending on the outcome of the surgery, and of course, you will throw at the surgery, so it’s your right to know everything before diving into the surgery. 


In line with this, there are steps that you can take to improve the surgery’s chance of success and decrease the opportunity to damage your eyes.


Understanding tissues and hydration


To understand how you can improve your odds, you have to know that your eye is composed of tissues and how the surgery manipulates it to improve your vision. The healthier these tissues are, the more likely that your odds of improving your eyesight will increase. This is why it’s always recommended that you refrain from drinking alcohol before your surgery because it can greatly dehydrate you and, in turn, the tissues in your eyes. 


Eye Irritation


With that line of thought, you should avoid wearing anything that can also cause irritation to your eyes before the surgery or wearing anything that could get into them. Wearing any clothing that can generate lint or makeup that could get into your eye is also recommended since this could irritate and lessen your favorable odds for the surgery. 


Post-procedure methods


Of course, preparing for LASIK is one thing, and getting the best laser eye surgery in Orange County is another. But increasing the feasibility of actual improvement for your eyes post-procedure is another matter. As mentioned earlier, your eyes are made of tissues, and much like the tissues in your body or muscles, you can assist in their healing process if you take the necessary steps to do so. One of these methods is through your diet. After your surgery, you should choose meals that aren’t too heavy and make sure to get plenty of fluids. Other foods and essential elements like fats, carbs, and rich vitamins can also assist in your recovery, making sure that you have a strong enough diet to support the revitalization of your eyes. 


Problems post-surgery


You will need all the help that you can get since you’ll be fairly handicapped immediately after your surgery. Your vision will be impaired for a few minutes up to around the first 24 hours, and itchiness paired with irritation will plague you as well. Though it may be difficult, try to refrain from rubbing or scratching your eyes or the area around them, as they will still be quite sensitive after the surgery.




As you can see, there are steps in preparation for your LASIK surgery, as well as steps you can do to increase the chance of success post-procedure. Getting the best laser eye surgeon and making sure that the technology is reliable is only half the battle. The other half lies in your commitment to maintaining the health of your eyes.