How to Cure Styes

Plenty of people who visit a LASIK surgeon in Orange County like Dr. Ferzaad Moosa have experienced a stye once or twice in their life. These uncomfortable, red bumps on the eyelid will usually develop as a result of bacterial build-up. When you find one of these, the first thing that you want to do is make sure it stays clean. Baby shampoo or simple, unscented bar soap with water is the best kind of cleaner. You can use a soft washcloth to dab the soapy water along your eyelashes, rinse it with water, and then use a warm compress to help with inflammation and pain. 


According to an Orange County LASIK, makeup can be the source of bacteria that causes a stye or, in some cases, make it worse. So, in order to help a stye properly heal, most experts will tell you to stay away from makeup, lotions, facemasks, and other beauty products that might further irritate it. You might also consider going through your face products and making sure that they are not expired. Most eyeshadows and foundations will last for a year to two years before they should be replaced. Mascaras and liquid liners usually have a shorter lifespan. Be sure to check the expiration dates on the bottle. 


Painkillers like ibuprofen can help alleviate the discomfort of a stye if a warm compress doesn’t seem to be helping. However, you should visit a doctor if the pain becomes unbearable and persistent. At that point, you might be prescribed an antibiotic to treat it. 


While a stye can be very uncomfortable, it will rarely turn into anything serious as long as you keep the area clean and refrain from touching it. The best way to prevent yourself from getting a stye in the future is to follow the same rule of cleanliness. Avoid touching your eyes when possible and, if you must touch them, make sure to wash your hands first. The skin around your eyes is very sensitive, so you should always use quality makeup products with clean applicator tools. Also, make sure to thoroughly remove all makeup from the day before going to sleep.


Styes can also develop as a result of sharing makeup products with other people. You should never assume that someone else practices the appropriate hygiene with their makeup products and tools. The simple truth is that you cannot control how other people take care of their stuff. So, in order to protect your own eyes from potential sources of bacteria, you should stick to your own products. 


Many people visit a LASIK surgeon in Orange County because they have had bad experiences with styes related to their contact lenses. Some people even experience contact lens intolerance, which means that they are sensitive to the application of contacts whether or not they keep them clean. If you’re tired of relying on your contacts or glasses for better vision, then you may consider getting LASIK eye surgery. This vision correction procedure will not only give you the freedom to go without prescription lenses but it can also help you achieve 20/20 vision or better!